Dr. Kimberly Dennis is the Medical Director at Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center Teams with “In the Wildflowers” Program to Help Trauma Victims Cope and Heal Through Prayer

I wanted to let everyone know that Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center has partnered with producer Julie Woodley to present “In the Wildflowers” program. It's a 10-part DVD series aimed at educating and helping victims of childhood sexual abuse cope with their trauma as they heal in a safe and supportive environment. Julie is a member of the team here at Timberline Knolls and serves as the ministry outreach representative. She works to touch as many people’s lives as possible with the powerful and healing message offered in “In the Wildflowers” DVD series.

"In the Wildflowers” is set to spread its message throughout college campuses. Typically “In the Wildflowers” takes 10 weeks to fully experience, but the DVDs and accompanying curriculum was condensed into a one day and one night session for college-aged participants and will include a 3 ½ day training session led by Julie for those who want to learn how they can use “In the Wildflowers” to help others to heal.

The Wildflowers program is the brainchild of Julie, a victim of childhood sexual abuse herself, who developed the idea when she was stricken with cancer and wanted to take her own healing journey.

Julie began developing “In the Wildflowers” by journaling about her healing processes and reading almost 60 books dealing with the power of faith, prayer and healing.

Julie met, interviewed and filmed upwards of 40 professionals all specializing in various areas of Christian therapy and healing, as well as six women all from very different backgrounds in need of healing. She filmed the women’s progress over several years and was amazed at the strides they made in their own journeys.

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